Mag – The Starry Night (Gogh)


One of the two works in our Gogh Series (item to the right side of the photo). A large mug with the famous work of Gogh as a motif.

“The Starry Night” was drawn by Van Gogh during a recuperation at the psychiatric hospital of the Saint Paul de Mosor Monastery in Saint Remy de Provence, France. The original picture is on display at the Museum of Modern Art, New York (MoMA).

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Produced by: Fujita Bizan Kiln

You can use this mug as a soup cup as well as a coffee cup.

On the opposite side is “Sunflowers” which is regarded as a synonym for Van Gogh. Both are masterpieces of Fujita Bizan Kiln’s highly experienced painters.

Also, have a look at “Pair Mug: Gogh” for your significant other.

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